SuperValu has just announced that it will donate €100,000 from its fruit and veg sales this Christmas to Focus Ireland and hence will not be reducing the price of its carrots, brussel sprouts and melons any lower than its keenly priced 19 cent.
SuperValu is concerned that the race to the bottom on price by some of its competitors is a step too far and will ultimately lead to a reduction in food quality and job losses in the farming sector, especially as 100% of its carrots and brussel sprouts are Irish, while this is not the case in its competitors’ stores.
However, to demonstrate to its customers that it will not benefit financially from maintaining its prices at current levels, SuperValu has decided to give a donation of 14 cent on every bag of carrots, net of brussel sprouts and melons it sells from now to Christmas to Focus Ireland, who work tirelessly towards ending homelessness. This will result in a donation of approximately €100,000 to this very deserving cause.
Martin Kelleher, Managing Director, SuperValu said “At SuperValu we always strive to be competitive and give our customers what they want in the context of both value and quality. As the number one supporter of the Irish food and farming sector, we believe it is a step too far to reduce the price of our Christmas fruit and veg produce any further. 14 cent even in these difficult times is a saving that can be easily made on any shop, but all of these 14 cents collected together by SuperValu and its customers will make a huge difference to Focus Ireland and the clients they serve.”