SuperValu, the leading Irish grocery retailer, has been recognised as the best supporter of Irish producers, according to a study by Checkout and Ignite Research. Of the 3,000 respondents surveyed for the ‘Where We Shop 2014’ report, one third of shoppers named SuperValu as the best promoter of Irish products, ahead of any other grocery retailer.
SuperValu is the number one supporter of the Irish food industry and its sourcing policy means that it buys Irish whenever possible. This equates to an annual contribution of almost €2 billion to the economy every year, helping to sustain 30,000 jobs in the agrifood sector. Due to SuperValu’s unique business model where stores are owned by entrepreneurs in the community, an additional €80 million is also spent sourcing directly from local suppliers.
The research findings reflect SuperValu’s sourcing credentials such as stocking 100% fresh Irish meat which is born, bred and reared in Ireland and 100% National Dairy Council approved milk for its own brand milk range. SuperValu has also demonstrated its commitment to Irish suppliers through a range of initiatives such as becoming the first retailer in Ireland to adopt the IdentiGEN National DNA Traceback Programme for Bacon and its role in the Food Academy programme, which is run in conjunction with Bord Bia and the County Enterprise Boards to support and nurture start up food businesses.
Commenting on the research findings, Martin Kelleher, SuperValu Managing Director, said: “Irish and local is at the heart of the SuperValu brand and company ethos. These are real credentials, engrained into a way of working; they are genuine, not a convenient tag line. This belief in local enables SuperValu to deliver high quality Irish products which in turn support local suppliers and communities. By purchasing from local suppliers, our retailers offer a shopping experience that is not only exceptional quality and value, but is different and better and tailored to the local community.”
“As the number one supporter of the Irish food industry, SuperValu is committed to supporting over 600 Irish suppliers. The majority of suppliers have been working with SuperValu not just for years, but for decades. We feel a great sense of pride in being able to support local businesses and keep money and jobs in the community. It is also very important to us as it offers us a real competitive advantage over rivals in our area and highlights that we are truly committed to the Irish economy, as opposed to sticking tricolours on advertising, packaging and in-store.”
“Our customers love to see local suppliers in our store as it reassures them that by shopping with us, they are supporting jobs in other local enterprises. In fact a lot of our customers would have a connection with these businesses through work and even family. We always highlight local products with signs, as customers like to buy locally sourced products. It also provides greater choice for our customers and allows them to purchase local traditional goods and sample food of their own area.”